PBHE has developed many unique products to help set up and maintain figure skating equipment. During Skate Canada’s 2021 Ice Summit, PBHE is offering 15% off the Canadian Prices! You can learn about these products through our videos and our Complete Product Catalogue below. The catalogue breaks down the products we use everyday in our shop into the following four categories: Pre and Post Grinding Tools, Burr Removing Products, Blade Mounting Equipment, and Skate Essentials.
PBHE's Complete Canadian Product Catalogue - 2021 Ice SummitPBHE also retails boots and blades from the following manufacturers:
Edea: www.edeaskates.com
Jackson Ultima: www.jacksonultima.com
John Wilson: www.johnwilsonskates.com
MK: www.mkblades.com
Risport: www.risport.com
We are happy to offer 15% off the Canadian MSRP during the 2021 Ice Summit!! Please contact us for more details.