Pattern Grinding is PBHE's most coveted invention which revolutionizes a skater’s skate sharpening experience. There really is nothing like it! We are thrilled to share it with you so that more skaters can enjoy the benefits of true blade consistency and accuracy!
PBHE has decided to make our unique system available to technicians who are dedicated to offer the very best for their customers! If you would like to inquire about purchasing PBHE's Pattern Grinding Machine please contact us!
PBHE can change or correct damaged blade curve, root, and heel lift by what we call profiling or re-profiling the blade. PBHE uses a master pattern that is exactly to the blade manufacturer’s specification to profile blades. By following the master pattern, PBHE can get the exact blade curve and heel lift that the manufacturer intended every time. We can do this even after a blade was free hand sharpened, assuming there is still enough life (side grind) on the blade. This is how we are able to give our clients custom blades based on their requirements and preferences to maximize their performance. For example, we can re-profile a set of Phantom blades to have a Gold Seal 99 blade curve and heel lift. Note: We do not alter the toe pick design; we only dress the base pick if you so desire. We do not recommend constant re-profiling since it takes off a substantial amount of blade material.
PBHE’s pattern grinding process is technically advanced and superior to free hand grinding. It requires the knowledge of a machinist using equipment designed for precision. The ability to precisely vary features of a blade is a totally new ability in the industry and achievable by PBHE. There are 11 steps to properly grinding a client’s blades and the total process takes approximately 60 minutes.
The blade is examined to see if it is straight by using a Hardened Precision Ground Straight Edge or machinist ruler. For more information: Test #1: Are your Blades Straight?
The screws are also checked to ensure they are tight. Loose screws occur over time due to sole moisture and excessive blade stress.
If the screws are loose, they are tightened while making sure the blade is straight. In some situations the screws may need to be reset and glued. Precision Blade Levelling Compound mounted blades are much less prone to loose screws and blade movement.
It is common that a skater's desired blade root will change as their skating skills improve and they're more aware of their blades. The sharpening specifications for a skater is a combination of the skater's skill, weight, ice temperature, and personal preference.
The required sharpening information (technical data sheets) is determined for the current set of blades to be sharpened using the blade serial number. This is especially important when competitive skaters have more than one pair of boots and blades in use at one time. Competitive skaters do this for security in their equipment during international competitions as well as convenience if they require their equipment to be shipped to PBHE for sharpening.
PBHE has a number of patterns for our skater's to choose from. Some patterns are serial numbered for specific skater's blade preferences while other blades are set to master patterns which are very accurate and determined by manufacturer’s specifications.
The boot is placed in a blade carrier which requires a shim stock for levelling.
It is ensured that the blade's centre line is perfectly horizontal using a dial indicator and the engineering technical report. The blade is levelled using feeler gauges at both ends of the blade and brass adjusters on the blade carrier for the center of the blade.
The surface of the blade that is going to be ground is blue dyed. After the first grinding pass the blueing that is left directly indicates how the blade has worn and/or previously sharpened.
The required pattern is positioned accurately into the blade carrier which ensures that the least amount of material possible is removed during the sharpening process.
The grinding wheel is dressed so that it has an accurate radius. This is usually done after sharpening three pairs of skates but it depends on the condition of the blades being sharpened.
The grinding wheel is positioned so that it is dead center of the blade grinding area. This adjustment is extremely accurate and will ensure equal edge height. The grinding wheel position indicator is then set to zero.
The first sharpening pass is done while using the vacuum exhaust system, magnification light, and ear protection. The first cut on the blade is reviewed to see where the blue dye was removed. If necessary, the grinding wheel height is adjusted so that the cut is on the centre line of the blade.
The edge height is checked using a Machinist Square. The goal is to get both edges the same height. Typically, the inside edge is low because most skaters wear down this edge faster.
After the second pass, the edge height is checked with a Machinist square and 1/1000" shim stock. The grinding position is adjusted until the edge height is the same. Given normal wear, blades should be sharpened with four to six passes along the grinding wheel, each pass taking off less than 1/1000 of an inch.
Blade is reviewed using a 10 power eye loop to make sure that both edges have been sharpened. All edge surfaces will be sharpened when there is no more blue dye on the blade.
Once the edges are the same height and completely sharpened PBHE does a finishing pass using honing oil and a grinding wheel lubricating compound.
A final check is completed to ensure the inside and outside edges are exactly the same height. Then the blade is removed from the blade carrier.
The blade is securely mounted in a device designed for honing.
The blade is honed using a 15 micro finishing film on a honing mandrel with the exact radius as the grinding wheel. The device is moved up and down the blade length staying square with the blade and using equal pressure. This finish improves glide and saves energy.